A New Chapter is Ahead. Let’s Make it a Good One!
The new year is ahead. It lures us forward with the promise of opportunity. This is a good place to begin. As good as any. The new year is an opportune time for us to commit to starting a new chapter of our lives together, as a community.
How many times have you started the new year with the best of intentions, only to abandon your commitments within a month? (Me! So many times!) It feels awful when we don’t live up to our commitments. The taste of failure is tangible. How many times will we do that before we reclaim out purpose and succeed?
I am going to break my unsuccessful rack record this year. I’ve been thinking of writing a blog for years. But each year, I chicken out. I simply don’t let myself step into new territory. I mean, I may fail. Maybe no one will read my blog. Maybe people will disagree with me. The list of negative reasons is endless. This year, I am not listening to those voices. I am finally going (way) outside of my comfort zone and I’m writing a blog!
Why this year? Life is short. I’ve got things to share. I refuse to fail. THIS is MY year, my time to share my dreams, to live up to my potential and do the things that scare me!
Now, I’m hoping that many of you have, or are, sharing similar sentiments. Maybe you want a promotion at work, or to feel better about yourself (inside & out), perhaps you want to get a quality education, be a better parent, partner, friend, employee or family member. Maybe your goal is to help the homeless. The options are endless!
Starting ANYTHING is onerous, exciting, intentional, random, frustrating, rewarding, and something we’ve all done a least a zillion times. Starting the new year with a focus on “being smart, doing well, and doing it your way” in a community of kindred souls seems like a plan for success.
So why follow my blog? Why commit to ” being smart, doing well, and doing it your way” with me? Because you are worth it. Because I care about you and want each of you to find your best self while helping those around us. Right now, I have a blog of one (Me). But I know in my heart you’ll join me. I believe in myself and I have a burning passion to share what I’ve learned in business, in my marriage, as a parent, as well as my thoughts on beauty (inside and out). I’ve got over 50 years in many of those roles and I have the scars and stars to share with you. I’ll have exciting guest contributors along with input from our community.
Join me!! I promise you’ll be an integral part of our community and you will “get as good as you give.”
Subscribe to my blog and join my email list. It seems like a great way to begin the new year.