Every year we promise ourselves we will get organized and achieve our goals and objectives. (Work, home, health, personal, etc.) I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all used a planner with varying degrees of success. We have tried to purchase planners, shift to online vs. paper based organization and a million other things to no avail. I am determined to meet my goals this year so I began to research how people retained information and how people made behavioral changes. There is a lot of research that suggests that utilizing pen and paper is the foremost way to ensure you learn, adept and make change. I am a tech nerd who wants to optimize for success.  Thus began the hunt for a paper based planning system. There are tons of planners to choose from. Most of them do not focus on behavioral change but merely track appointments, contacts and the like. I wanted more that that and came across one that really struck a cord! I purchased the 2020 deluxe Law of Attraction Life Planner from Amazon and I have to say I am absolutely loving it.

Why this planner? If you have read the book “The Secret” you will know that all of us have untapped power within us to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Being intentional with our time and planning is critical to success. Utilizing a structured life, productivity and time management planner provides the type of lasting rigor needed to be successful. As we develop a clear vision statement for the year we align our goals to that vision. An action plan takes shape and we begin to develop our monthly and weekly plans and goals. We prime ourselves for success and provide ample opportunity for analysis and self correction month-to-month. This planner provides a foundation for all of these elements and more.

Order your planner today and join me as I provide timely tips to get us going and keep us on track! (You may utilize any planner of your choice however I will be focusing specifically on this one for tips and techniques.)

What are your goals for 2020? What’s your vision for success? Wouldn’t you like to achieve your goals this year? Let’s do this together!